
Art Direction ↘

TEDxPetalingStreet 2019 主视觉概念以 “学” 的可能性与多变性作为重点出发。设计团队把 “学“ 字设想成一个伸缩自如、能屈能伸、可刚可柔的容器,以不同形状融入各个空间;从某个起点,往各角度、弧度、深度和宽度无限延伸,承载不同的内容。字形方面,将繁体“學”一字拆开,形如一位双手拥抱变化万千智慧的学者,把所学传承给下一代。因此,繁体“學”一字成为整体设计的主要系统和排版架构,用于知识装载、分类、结合,甚至被推翻,达致举一反三的效果。 至于用色,黄白作为主色,黑框形同容器,加上各种颜色的搭配如学校各科课本或作业簿,摆脱学习于人的严肃感和学术性象征,反映孩子们对世界的好奇,回归每个当下继续探索,学之根本。

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The key visual concept is based on the possibility and variability of " Xué" (to learn, learning). We regard the Chinese character "Xué" as a scalable, malleable, and flexible container that can be integrated into different spaces in different forms, as well as capable of carrying different content. The standard character "Xué" is also the main system and content layout structure of the overall design, which used for loading, categorizing, tolerating, as well as used for “the breaking out-of-the-box”. With yellow and white as the primary colors, the black frame represents the container, while the additional colors reflect the school textbooks/exercise books, which imply the desire to get rid of the solemnity and academicism associated with "Xué", that echoes the children's curiosity and exploration towards the world, and thus bring us back to each of our present moments, the instinct to "Xué".


主办单位 Client ↘ TEDxPetalingStreet   |   美术指导 Design & Art Direction ↘ 一 亻一 半 Kongsi Design . 蒋芷苓 Zhi Ling . 郑文辉 Boon Hwee . 陈芷恩 Zhi En . 刘俊佑 Jeffrey Low   |   动态影像 Motion Graphic ↘ 房作栋 Fong Zuo Dong. 梁育儿 Leong Yu Er . Moss Motion . 邱鼎坤 Khoo Teng Koon . 刘建良 Law Jian Liang . 刘姵贝 Law Pei Bei . 林进国 Ricco Lim   |   文案策划 Editorial ↘ 黄葆华 Valenne Wong . 杨子宇 Devlen Yang   |   装帧印刷 Booklet Printing ↘ Paper → Antalis Malaysia . Printing → Reca Press . Binding → Summorie   |   影像制作 Production ↘ 一 亻一 半 Kongsi Design . 凡映 Fanomenal Pictures. 翌映制作 The Next Pictures . 郭童琳 Sara Kok   |   原创音乐 Music ↘ 巨木音乐 Jumuro Music . 杨文康 Chris M. Yong   |   活动摄影 Event Photography ↘ 凡映 Fanomenal Pictures . 翌映制作 The Next Pictures . 杨成伟 Jayz Yong . 郭于珂 Kuik Yi Ke . 林文桦 Lim Boon Hua . 林嘉玲 Lim Ka Ling . 萧钿录 Siew Thiam Lok . 陈勇全 Tan Yong Quan . 王进福 Wong Chin Hoch
